For a printable copy of the full Summer 2012 Brochure, click here.
♦ Aquatics ♦
Bill Trees Memorial Park Pool: Phone 252-7512
Season Opening………….…….. Monday, May 26, 2012
Season Closing …………………. Sunday, August 12, 2012
Daily Session…………………... 1 – 4 p.m.
Days of Operation…………….... Mon - Sun
Admission…………………….… $2.00 per patron
……………….…….. Ages 2 and under - free
* Individual Summer Pass $100
* Family Summer Pass $200 for two
(Add $50 for each additional member.)
* 10 Punch Pass $15
Evening Session—Dollar Nights
All Ages
6 to 8 p.m. Mondays & Thursdays
June 4 - Aug 9, 2012
Fees: $1 per person
Dollar Days
1-4 p.m.
Tuesdays and Sundays
Fees: $1 per person
Group Swim Lessons
Ages: 5 and up
Classes: June 11 – 22 and July 9 – 22
10:30 – 11:15 a.m.
Fees: $30 per week (Mon – Fri)
Registration begins every Monday at the pool.
For more info, please call the pool at 252-7512.
(No swim lessons July 4)
Private Swim Lessons
Days: Mon-Fri all summer
Times: 9:30 – 10:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
and 4:15-5:45 p.m.
Fee: $18 per half-hour/per person
To register, call the park pool at 252-7512.
(No swim lessons July 4)
Private Pool Parties
Rental Times: after 5 p.m. on Tues, Weds, Fri, Sat,
and Sun evenings, excluding June 12 and 26, 2012.
Fee: $100 per hour – includes up to 50 people plus lifeguards.
For reservations visit park pool during business hours.
July 4—Family Swim
Ages: all ages welcomed
1—4 p.m.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Fees: $1 per person
Early Morning Swim
Ages: 18 and up
6:00—7:30 a.m., Mon—FriJune 4-Aug 10, 2012
Meets 49 times.
Fees: $75 per person
Afternoon Lap Swim
Ages: 18 and up
4:15—5:45 p.m., Mon – Fri.
June 4 – Aug 10 , 2012
Meets 47 timesFees: $70 per person
****Afternoon Lap Swim and Early Morning Swim package $125***********
Water Exercise
Instructor: Rebecca Meyer
Join Rebecca Meyer for a fun-filled water workout utilizing water barbells and noodles
for a head-to-toe workout!!
Day Classes:
8:30—9:15 a.m. Tues, Thurs
9:30—10:15 a.m. Tues, Thurs
June – 5,7,12,14,19,21,26,28
July – 2,5,10,12,17,19,24,26,31
Aug—2, 7,9
Fee: $75
Night Classes
5:00—5:45 p.m. Mons, Weds
July—2,9,11,16,18,23,25,30Aug—1, 6, 8
Fee: $70
* All participants must bring a water noodle*
One day class plus night class package = $125
Bullfish Swim Team – Daily Workouts
Registration: May 19 at Pool (Come ready to swim.)
Last names A through L—8:30 to 9:45 a.m.
Last names M through Z—10 to 11:15 a.m.Practices start Tuesday, May 29, 2011.
Practice times will be assigned basedon age and swim level of participant.
For pricing and information, please call
Coach Melonie Motsinger at 841-3244.
♦ Special Events ♦
Arts in the Park
This one-day festival is new to the park this year. Events include: children’s activities from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., children’s decorated bicycle contest, children’s face-painting, bingo, cupcake walk, washer pitching at 1 p.m., music, and silent auction of gift baskets. There will be artisan and craft booths. Food will be available. This event is 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday, June 2, 2012, at Memorial Park. This event is hosted by the Saline County Homemakers.
Children and their families are invited to come and learn about topics such as recycling, fishing, birding, trees, mammal ID, cultural heritage and wildland fires. Special guest appearances by Smokey Bear and Woodsy Owl. The event is 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Wednesday, June 13, 2012, at the area around the Bandstand in Memorial Park.
This event is hosted by the U.S. Forest Service.
Free Fishing Weekend at Memorial Park Lagoon
What better way to brush up on your fishing skills? On this special weekend, you may go fishing at the Memorial Park lagoon without a fishing license. This weekend begins Saturday, June 9, and ends Monday, June 11, 2012.
Fishing Tournament
There will be a certain number of tagged catfish stocked in the lagoon for this season’s fishing contest. As always, the number on the fish corresponds with a certain prize at the park office. Contestants must bring the tag to the Park Office. No sign up is req
uired for this contest. The contest will begin at 8 a.m., Saturday, June 9, and will end Friday, July 13, 2012.
Family Day Pool Party
This party is for those ages sixteen and under, accompanied by a parent or legal guardian, 1- 4 p.m., Saturday, June 16, 2012. There will be free food, music and fun for all at Bill Trees Memorial Park Pool. Admission is free. Have some fun in the sun on us!
♦ Tennis ♦
Tennis Lessons for Kids and Adults
Challenge yourself while having a great time! Learn the basics of tennis - forehand, backhand, service, and volley in a small group setting. Lessons include warm-ups, instruction, drills, and stretches. Instruction is by Ken Everett.
Days: M, W, F, June 4—29, 2012
Fees: $65 per person
Min/Max: 5-10 students
KIDS class
Ages: 12 and under
Times: 8:30 to 10 a.m.
ADULTS class
Ages: 13 and up
Times: 10:30 a.m. to Noon.
Private lessons
You may contact Ken Everett at: 618-541-5391.
Adult Social Tennis Group
Meet to play tennis for fun in games of singles or doubles. This group meets 4:30 to 6:30 p.m., Thursday nights at the Memorial Park Tennis Courts. Participation is free.
Open to any male/female over age 16.
The fall league will start September 10, 2012
and run until November 3, 2012.
Fees are $300 per team. Teams are
responsible for their own jerseys or
uniforms. Umpires will be provided.
Contact the park office before
Labor Day (Sept. 3, 2012) to register
your team!
Open to all boys and girls: Kindergarten through 6th grade.
Fees are $40 per person.
Season: September 10 through October 27, 2012
Games will be held every Saturday and all teams
will have one practice per week.
We will have four leagues:
1st and 2nd grades
3rd and 4th grades
5th and 6th grades
All games will be played at the Gaskins City Complex.
Every child in the Harrisburg School System in
grades K-6 will receive a registration form in late
August. Please note: this activity is
not offered by Harrisburg Unit 3.
This is an HYA and Harrisburg Park program.
Coaches are needed.
Please contact the park office if you are interested.
Speed Camp
Grades: 9-12
Time: 6 - 7:30 p.m.
Fee: $25
June 4 - 15, 2012Location: Taylor Field
Instruction: Coach Cox
Football Camp
Time: 9—11 a.m..
Fee: $30 (includes t-shirt)
July 16—27, 2012
Wear: T-shirt, shorts and tennis shoes or spikes
Location: Taylor Field
Instruction: Coach Jason Roper & staff
Grades 9-12
11 a.m.— 1 p.m.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
June 4 – July 13, 2012
Fee: $20
Location: Taylor Field Weight room
Instruction: Coach Jason Roper & staff
High School Lady Bulldog Basketball Open Gym
Girls attending basketball open gym will participate in advanced team and individual fundamentals as well as scrimmaging and strength training. Girls will also have access to weight training each day.
Grades: 9-12
9 – 11:30 a.m.
Fee: $20 includes t-shirt
Tuesdays and Thursdays
Starting June 5, 2012
Location: HHS Gym
Instruction: HHS Varsity Coach Jake Stewart and HHS JV Coach Stephanie Ferrell
Elementary Jr. Lady Bulldogs Basketball Camp
This comprehensive 3 day basketball camp will cover both individual and team fundamentals. Girls will participate in scrimmaging and individual/team competitions. Instruction will be given by current and past players and coaches. Girls attending both basketball and volleyball camps may bring a sack lunch or snack for between camps. A concession will also be open for drink/snack purchase.
Grades: 2-6
9 – 11:00 a.m.
Fee: $20 includes t-shirt
May 29, 30, 31
Location: HMS Gym
Instruction: HHS & HMS Coaches and Staff
Basketball Skills Class
Participants will receive one-on-one instruction covering basic and advanced skills according to player’s level. Players will also have the opportunity to learn position work and team concepts.
Grades: 3-8 Tuesdays and Thursdays
$15 per hour Location: HHS Gym
Instruction: HHS Varsity Coach Jake Stewart
*** Must contact Coach Stewart to set up dates and times at 926-4991. *******
High School Lady Bulldogs Volleyball Open Gym
Girls attending will participate in advanced team and individual fundamentals
as well as scrimmaging and strength training. Girls will also have access to weight training.
Grades: 9-12
9 – 11:30 a.m.
Fee: $20 includes t-shirt
June 15 – July 13, 2012
Location: HMS Gym
Instruction: Coach Stephanie Ferrell & staff
Elementary Jr. Lady Bulldogs Volleyball Camp
This comprehensive, 3 day volleyball camp will cover both individual and team fundamentals. Girls will also participate in scrimmaging and competitions. Instruction will be given by current and past coaches and players. Girls attending both basketball and volleyball camps may bring a sack lunch or snack for between camps. A concession will also be open for drink/snack purchase.
Grades: 3-6
11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Fee: $20 includes t-shirt
May 29, 30, 31
Location: HMS Gym
Instruction: HHS & HMS Coaches and Staff
♦ Recreational Programs ♦
Kids Arts and Crafts
Kids, welcome to the wonderful FUN world of arts and crafts! In this class you will study famous works of art and get to make your own creative masterpieces. Some activities will include painting and crafts made of things we find. Instruction is by Ed Risinger.
Please bring: finger paint, paintbrushes, Elmer's glue, apron or old shirt.
Section A Grades: K-2 Fees: $30
Dates: Mondays, June 11—July 2, 2012
Times: 9 a.m.—12 p.m.
Minimum: 7 students Register by: June 4
Location: Park Community Room
Section B Grades: 3-6 Fees: $30
Dates: Mondays, June 11-July 2, 2012
Times: 1-4 p.m.
Minimum: 7 students Register by: June 4
Location: Park Community Room
How to Fish for Kids
Don’t know how to fish, you say? Fish with us! You will learn how to bait your hook,
safety and first aid, fish identification, where to find worms, different types of bait, and how to clean fish. Instruction is by Ed Risinger.
Grades: 2 and up Fees: $30
Dates: Thursdays, June 14– July 5, 2012
Times: 9 a.m.—12 p.m. –OR– 1-4 p.m.
Bring: Notebook, pen, bait, hooks, bobbers, tackle, tackle box
Minimum: 7 students Register by: June 7
Location: Park Lagoon by Birch Shelter
Yoga with Darlene
This summer, don’t get out of shape. Keep up your yoga practice at Yoga with Darlene. Classes are 8-9 a.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays. Classes are currently in session and you may attend at any time. Instruction is by Darlene Gaskins, 500 hr Certified Yoga Instructor/Integrated Yoga Therapist. Fees are $7 per class visit, per person. Location is in the Park Community Room. You may bring a mat or use one of ours.
BBQ Cooking Class
Maybe you are a guy who wants to have that cookout for his buddies or a gal who does all the cooking. Get the lowdown on grilling to impress. You’ll learn how to smoke meats correctly, what types of wood to use for smoking, how to make different rubs and marinades, how to grill different cuts of meat, and how to use different
types of grills. Instruction is by Ed Risinger.
Ages: Adults Fees: $40
Section 1: 5—9 p.m.
Fridays, June 15-July 13
Section 2: 11 a.m.– 4 p.m.
Saturdays, June 16– July 14
Bring: Notebook, pen, weekly instructions
Minimum: 7 students Register by June 8
Location: Patton Shelter in Memorial Park
Civil War History
Explore major battles of the Civil War and the results, a brief introduction to the
causes of the war and what our country was like before and after the Civil War.
Instruction is by Ed Risinger.
Ages: 16 and up Fees: $40 per person
Dates: Wednesdays, June 13—July 25, 2012 (no July 4)
Times: 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. –OR– 1 to 4 p.m.
Bring: Notebook, pen
Minimum: 7 students Register by: June 6
Location: Park Community Room
Yoga with Angel
For those who have taken Yoga with Darlene in the past, this class is very similar. Classes will follow the Yoga Fit method which allows for beginner and more advanced poses to be practiced. Instruction is by Angel Brooks, who runs Yoga in Motion in Marion.
Times: 8:30—9:30 a.m., Tues & Thurs
Continuous through summer
Fees: $7 person per visit
Location: Park Community Room
This 10-week class will instruct about different levels of meditation, forms of relaxation, and will focus on opening the chakras (energy centers of the body). Topics will include: Yoga Nidra, breathing exercises, mantra chants, progressive body relaxations, visualizations, sutras, Emotional Freedom Technique (tapping), chakra balancing & chanting, and self-Reiki involves meditation exercises that expand the mind. This program may be beneficial to those in need of physical and mental relaxation
and can help people on the journey of learning about themselves. There will be paranormal aspects of this class. Instruction is by Don Wilkerson, Master of Philosophy.
Times: 6:30 – 8:00 p.m., Tuesdays for 10 classes
Starts: July 3, 2012
Fees: $55 per person
Location: Park Community Room
This summer our Party style will be combining Zumba / Zumba Toning. We will use 1 lb toning sticks or hand weights to combine targeted body-sculpting exercises and cardio work with Latin-infused Zumba moves to create a calorie-torching, strength-training, dance fitness party. We will learn how to use Maraca-like Toning sticks or weights to enhance rhythms and tone all of our targeted zones, including arms, abs and thighs. Both beginning and returning students are welcome to try this new style! Please contact instructor for availability of Toning sticks or bring 1lb hand weights and pleasebring a water bottle. Instruction is by Susan Lewis-Sursa.
Ages: All (kids under 12 encouraged to attend with parents)Dates: Mondays and Thursdays, starting June 4, 2011
Times: 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Fees: $5 per class or $20 for 5 classes
Location: Park Community Room
Please dress in workout clothing and bring a water bottle.
You may attend any or all of the classes you choose.
Art Appreciation
In this class, we will get an introduction to Greek and Roman art, art of the
Renaissance period, and 18th and 19th Century art including realism,
romanticism, neo classical, and impressionism. Instruction is by Ed Risinger.
Dates: Tuesdays, June 12, July 17, 2012
Times: 1—4 p.m.
Fees: $40
Bring: Notebook, pen
Minimum: 7 students
Register by : June 5Location: Park Community Room