HYA 2012 – Important News

  1. Rule changes for 2012:
    1. Bats: only 2-1/4” barrel non-wooden bats which are manufactured to achieve a Bat Performance Factor (BPF) of 1.15 or less. All bats used must be stamped “BPF 1.15”.
    2. We will obey the lightning rule which states that “once a game is stopped for lighting, it cannot resume until 30 minutes after the last cloud to ground lighting strike”.
    3. Shetland and Pinto Girls base distance is now 55’ and the pitching distance is 40’.
    4. Girls pitching: “she shall take a position with both feet in contact with the pitching plate. Her shoulders shall be in line with first and third base. The hands shall be separated. The ball can be in the glove or the pitching hand”.
  1. We have been busy again this past year improving our facilities even more.
    1. Gaskins City Field #4 has additional lights.
    2. More trees have been planted at the Gaskins City Complex.
  1. The flag pole area next to the main concession stand is a way you can make a donation to our program. Stop and look at this area, as you can purchase a brick for $50.00 and put up to a 3-line message that you can honor your family or use it as a memorial for that special someone.

We are always interested in new ideas for improvements to our park areas. Please call 252-2111 for recommendations.

Thank you and we will see you at the ball park.

HYA Board